Episode 9: Why Work Feels So Hard Right Now—And How To Fix It with Catherine Fisher
Posts Tagged:
public speaking
Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management
14 Tips to Get Over Your Fear of Public Speaking at Work
It's intimidating, sure—but that shouldn't stop you. Learn how to finally get over your fear of public speaking.
Goal-Setting, Leadership + Management, Professional Development
Our Guide to Setting Personal KPIs for Success
KPIs, they're not just for work projects anymore. Learn how to set—and achieve—personal KPIs at work, at home, and in your relationships.
Leadership + Management
How to Get Over the Fear of Public Speaking at Work
Because public speaking is everything—and it's not as dreadful as it probably feels. Here's how to finally tackle your fear of speaking in front of a crowd—even if that "crowd" is only two coworkers.